Wisconsin sucks


I grew up in Wisconsin, left after college, and moved to west coast for employment in technology. But came back to support my spouse. If it wasn't for that, I honestly wouldn't be here. The state lacks much, has many annoyances, and circles are strange and potentially corrupt. Huge opportunist area. I've been ripped off by just about everyone and never experienced it quite as bad as Wisconsin.


First, Wisconsin climate isn't suitable for sensitive people. Hell, it isn't suitable for anyone in my opinion. Many remain and disregard what it potentially does to them.  In a 24 hour period, certain times of year, you'll witness a 20 degree fluctuation, up, or down. This can spring on public at the drop of a hat, especially after daylight savings end in November. Time leaders choose to roll back clocks, is not well thought out. Daylight savings is an absurd idea to begin with. Because it doesn't consider all science. A lot of problems scientists cite phenomenon, or unexplainable, are caused by them. Evidence is right in front. Slapdash decisions to impress majority, at their time, is eroding in so many unrecognizable ways. People won't admit it and additionally point out they don't care.  A good example, is Covid-19, pandemic, and masking. All over the internet, you see public deploying lies and attempting to harm others with it. Passing off content they read from sources less credible, than experts in subspecialty medicine. If the source is not a doctor, specifically in subspecialty under contention, they aren't genuine and out of line. Large difference between doctor of subspecialty like Epidemiology or Bacteriology, than ER or Internal Medicine. Do you go to plumbing for electrical? Repeating misinformation with intent to harm public, is technically domestic terrorism, and a crime. Many subspecialty have been quite clear, each step of way. Yet groups continue to pick apart and distort what they say. Companies, moderators, and authorities have not acted on this.  The behavior is not protected under freedom of speech and different if it harms others. Which it can.

Back to Wisconsin climate. Another reason daylight savings is a bad idea, is seasonal affective disorder, planetary orbital adjustment, and celestial phenomena. Which impacts lighting in Midwest. That same light change additionally nails individual depression. If you don't believe me, examine academics deeper and take note to Earth orbital shifts and how it was believed to have triggered ancient global warming.  Earlier centuries, people paid attention to detail and didn't easily dismiss things. Today, you're dealing with a highly incredulous audience that doesn't keep up on studies, accepts invalid, and takes for granted.

Wisconsin weather in Spring, Fall, and Winter, wind is blowing between 10 to 30 mph. With gusts as high 40 mph. This is especially true in Fall when cold is fighting to take over. I've seen higher gusts, but they're not as frequent, and occur maybe once a month. Sometimes more. Anything under 10 mph, is rare, especially in Fall, and Winter. Humidity and dew also fluctuate a lot. Along with pollen, ragweed in Spring, and early Fall. This makes allergies, asthma, and sinuses a total nightmare. Also, there's something outside of everything I've mentioned, which affects your body year round. Especially in winter. If I had to guess, I'd say it is environmental and has to do with pollution by companies. The symptoms feel an awful lot like flu, or what bone cancer patients describe. It makes your teeth and body ache bad.

I read somewhere Wisconsin was in top five for dew that changes often.  I think North Carolina was number one, but they have more to do on the gorgeous coast. Plus there is more people.  If you want that sort of thing in Wisconsin you must travel to Chicago.  Big difference between people in Chicago and other large cities around the globe like it.  The crime is especially bad in Chicago.

Last few years, Wisconsin summers have been gorgeous. But unfortunately it has been too dry and there's no moderation to any of it.  Which is the case everywhere, but at least other locations are void of negatives this place has. Plus there aren't only older demographic, which I typically see in Wisconsin.

Second, if you don't have children, or belong to a circle, you will get lonely, alienated, and stereotyped in Wisconsin. I've noticed people, who do stuff in this state make it a point to isolate folks in this category. They treat em like dirt. Wisconsin is huge on raising families, so much they seem obsessed. South central is maybe worse. All business, except for bars, is modeled around this ideology. Some cities, you can't even find a 9 o'clock movie. Except on weekends, or summer months when kids are out of school. This place is super boring. It's exactly like watching their sports, slow, and methodical. On Halloween, you can't find a haunted house and they've closed most of them. Nearest one in south central, is Rockford and a few in Milwaukee. They have all this odd stuff in Wisconsin for soft people. I'm talking trails, corn mazes and stupid activities for children. Mostly. It isn't remotely scary for adults. You'd think Halloween night they'd have a late showing for adults at theaters? Nope. The guy who owns them, in counties like Walworth and Rock, closes early. Neighboring counties follow a similar approach, which leaves a person to drive at least an hour or more for something basic. Northwest Wisconsin is much better and does things differently.  

Websites and other sources love to point out celebrities from this area. As if it's a good thing? Ever seen all the issues with drugs, treatment toward women, corruption, and other crime connected to celebrities? Hollywood, athletics, politics, and other subjects typically elevating an individual in the United States, always walk hand in hand with plenty negative. See country in any rush to require reforms, or to make sure an individual is free of obvious negatives prior? See the schools willing to? I wouldn't exactly be bragging about celebrity success, or them originating from this state. If anything, that proves how much it sucks. Because examine how those same celebrities desired such things. How they poured so much into admiration elsewhere and just had to be on that pedestal with all attention on them.  Also look at the greed and what they pay themselves in comparison.  When you measure what they give back, against what was rewarded.  It speaks volumes. One could also argue, that a lousy upbringing motivates someone to work harder. That coming from pure filth, abusive surroundings and lousy air drives them more. Ever consider that has something to do with their so-called success? See the same celebrities rushing to come back to home state? See them trying to help it when clearly it has suffered economically and politically? If they enjoy such an impossible task and are indeed loyal to the area, why flee it so hard? Why not come back and fight the waste, spending, nepotism, cliqueness and other bad dragging it down?

You also rarely witness people in public in their 30s or 40s. Residents sleep a lot, especially after football season and march madness. Wisconsin is a huge couch potato state, enjoys bundling up and staying indoors. Which is fine some nights, but daily? When I was on West Coast, or down South, I had no trouble meeting people and making new friends. Growing up in Wisconsin and being back here after leaving, in comparison, difference is night and day. It's gloomy and leaves you freaked, or depressed. If you're a consultant, or any other profession, which allows flexibility to set hours and work from home, you'll hate it here. People will judge and not believe you. Let alone understand how that life is possible. They don't comprehend anything beyond own lives and firmly believe anything else is bad. Plus they're nosy and backstab like crazy. Janesville and Milton are absolute worst. I call it talebearerville, Judasconsin.  If they trespass, or look in your windows. Don't bother calling police. Chances are they're friends.

Wisconsin consists mostly of small to middle sized business and they almost never hire consultants. Let alone someone who works like that. They simply don't have a need for it, because of size. And this is why they can't understand it. Such a thing is mostly utilized in state of the art facilities for large corporations, which don't exist in this part of world. Except for a few outdated facilities in Chicago and Detroit. Most business, is family owned and a nightmare to work for. It's like a good ol' boy network, guilty of nepotism and unfair hiring practices. The State says it's equal opportunity, but when corporations like General Motors, Kraft, Chrysler and others were around applications were given to friends and family only.  The railroad still does same thing.

Working for state itself has an unusual hiring setup.  It's mostly who you know and based on appropriate answer to one question.  I'm talking about a question that has nothing to do with job title you're applying for, background, etc.  They're basically tossing a turd at wall and if it sticks, you're hired.

Schools grant preferential treatment to friends and family.  Growing up in this state, I witnessed it first hand in academics, and athletics.  Complaints to upper level leadership resolves nothing and makes it worse.  If you get on their bad side, which is easy to do. They'll blacklist you. People here also carry heavy chips on shoulders and never forgive. I figure this is hurting them in many aspects of life, but good luck conveying it. No one listens and many give illusion they care. But midway through you realize it's an act.

Atmosphere in this state frowns upon a lifestyle with flexibility, or great pay. Doctors and lawyers get away with it, because they work themselves to death, and are desperately needed. This area in a lot of ways, harasses, and encourages you to except a life of mediocrity. So you'll be like surroundings. Perhaps it's jealousy, or envy. But either way it is real. Someone should inform their teachers, education isn't only about what you know, but how quickly you can answer the question. You ask many Wisconsin residents something and it takes them forever to compile a response. I don't think any of them were timed in classes. Mostly, they pretend not to hear you, so you'll repeat yourself. Just so they can slow it down and be annoying. Interesting how everyone in this state has a hearing problem. But elsewhere, like Illinois, they hear just fine. These guys love to feign ignorance, annoy, dawdle, steal, breadcrumb, lie asses off, and exploit circumstances for personal gain.

When I lived elsewhere, people totally had same distractions, like kids and their jobs. But it never stopped them from recognizing obvious. Most people in Wisconsin don't seem to give a damn, or think how it can backfire.

Third, driving in this state is a major nightmare. Not only does it possess worst designed roadways, but it has bad drivers. I'm talking about people who think safety is all about driving extremely slow, or only signaling. Moderation lacking. You see super fast or exact opposite, which varies time of day. If they aren't totally dense and dumb, they're vindictive and dangerous. Many try to enforce view point, by utilizing own automobile as a weapon. They'll either hog a lane, swerve at you, or speed up. So you can't pass. Something else they're notorious for, is leaving an extreme amount of space in front. In cities, where intersection traffic lights are not synced, as most are in Wisconsin, this is a major problem. Because it causes unsafe scenarios and bottlenecks. They're also not fanning out and utilizing all lanes. Motorists will bunch up in one lane, because they're afraid to merge, or switch when approaching turn. It is the most hilarious and idiotic display of driving you'll ever see. All police do is obsess favorite traffic violations, which is usually something that involves low risk for them. That or do things to benefit cronies. If no one in circles benefits and they do lift a finger elsewhere, it'll be based on stupid and assumptions. I estimate a lot of accidents were written off as nonsense and made up. Many insurance companies don't even listen to police anymore and do own thing.  It's usually about numbers. Police could resolve a lot of it, but you only see in large numbers when they desire quota. And it's masquerading safety typically in local tabloids or news networks. But I invite you to observe it closer. You see them allowing things to bend a lot, which spirals out of control and gives what you have today. Some days, flow is easily 20 over and law is nowhere to be found. I know they see it from above and sit on cans doing nothing. Also, when people see enforcement going five over they think it's ok for them to do it. Monkey see, monkey do.

Another thing obvious, is people don't recuse themselves from a case, if personal affiliation with either party. You see it with judicial, enforcement, and layers. And it impacts things, which might be why speeding and other is overlooked in some accidents.  It let's them maneuver everything to theirs and friends advantage. I've been blamed and had citations stacked before when it was never my fault. For no reason at all. After investigating, months, and years later. I had no trouble finding conflict of interest between officer, department, and other parties.  Whatever counsel, is available in area, doesn't touch it, and cites no case. But lawyers outside area don't feel same way. In state, counsel lacks litigation experience. Their courts tend to encourage settlement. Yet fact remains, we regularly see similar cases raised elsewhere. Capitalism is responsible. The greed from private ownership bends individual ethics. I ain't saying I'm opposed to capitalism, but groups are performing a lousy job mitigating and have a Walt Disney definition of the word.  They do for a lot of language and tend to dwell on favorite parts. And while ignoring rest. That, or disregarding own hypocrisy when preaching a cause.  It's all about them and what they want.

Four, medical is appalling. From human medicine, to veterinary, it's extremely messed up. The University of Wisconsin Madison Veterinary program, has taken money over years from biotech and governments to test on live animals. They supposedly shut it down, but I often wonder. Take time to research background and educational upbringing of your veterinarian. I last did this in 2017 and was amazed at volume of veterinarians from University of Wisconsin Madison alma mater only. Diversity of other programs was practically nonexistent.  Prices are also way high.  For the cost of an exploratory surgery on a feline at UW you can get a kidney transplantation. Plus all kinds of follow up at UC Davis in California. Which first started the program on kidneys and are far more experienced. UW will take your money and act like they don't know what they're doing. I've witnessed them negligent more than once and show zero sympathy.   I think a lot of their positive reviewers are clinical only, or close family and friends. You got people reviewing themselves, in all aspects of business in this state, which is unethical. Plus you see public evidence on social media of potential affiliation. Google leaves reviews up and never investigates all sides. I don't know of anyone who was ever contacted by them requesting evidence. Stuff is based off lies and hearsay. They typically choose business side of things and you practically have no rights.

There's also price gouging in human medicine in Wisconsin.  I one time went in for a scan, lab work, and brief five minute visit prior. They sent out a bill a week later in excess of $25,000 dollars.  They also split up things and are now outsourcing each section of medicine. And they want own payment individually, whether insurance is ready to pay or not.  They come after you for it and nail your credit.  All of this for something they don't technically work on anyway.  Think they share this prior to performing work? And they knew what area of body we were focusing on and suspected it. If they didn't work on that region, why waste ones time and rip them off? There was recently an article in NBC about a similar experience. Wouldn't you know it, writer shared exact same right here in Wisconsin at a hospital in Milwaukee.  They eventually negotiated down on cost, but they too were ripping patient off.  I've never witnessed the problem as bad as it is in Wisconsin. And you never see federal get involved.  Oh, you read of them typically investigating folks down south. But never up here.  In fact, this area gets a lot of handouts from uncle sam. So they're rewarded for ripping people off and potentially bending the law?  Why should it matter what an administration in Washington does for voters, if municipal, county, or state takes it in ways never mentioned? And they do.  You see it all the time and neither party mentions in debates. When you get a chance, examine what Wisconsin contributes to federal. Look at their GDP and how much of it are contracts with Uncle Sam. Think that doesn't put pressure on federal departments to show leniency? Nice moral compass.

Five, state lacks large cities. Two biggest are probably Madison and Milwaukee. And this isn't saying much. Madison is probably best and has a better organized government. But both lack size. Which matters for kids and young adults. Activities are limited, especially key times of year. Another large problem, is contractual help for home services. Outside of Madison and Milwaukee, you're at mercy of a system of contractors. Who only help cronies. It's impossible to get anyone from larger areas to travel to you. They all talk, believe whatever other contractors tell them, have a strong tendency to blacklist and mistreat outsiders. Contractual help in this state and northern Illinois, is among worst in country. In my view. If they aren't misrepresenting themselves, they're ripping customers off badly on things like labor cost. I've caught them profiling to determine costs. If a street has nicer homes, interesting how another is charged less when property value lower. I tested it on a few using friends.

A lot of contractors have services advertised as business, or residential. Which is totally misleading. If you're a resident and have an appointment scheduled, it'll get bumped if a business comes along and needs them. Whether you were there first, or not. Which happens most of the time. The area needs people, who strictly work residential only. Or run their schedules, first come, first serve. You have this in larger cities, which Wisconsin is largely deprived of.

Six, state legislature is stacked Republican and huge Trump supporters.  They believe in bizarre and unsubstantiated garbage.  Huge police state, that supports law enforcement. Right, or wrong.  Most deny science and are extreme.  They think pandemic isn't real and viruses are made up liberal tools.  Most northern counties vote red and are a part of problem.  Numerous lawmakers and law enforcement have been cited for stuff and still keep their jobs.  Oversight boards are like illusion of justice and can be stacked with friends. Or fellow union people, which makes zero sense, considering. Some tabloids did research on cops fired for bad behavior, that successfully landed jobs in neighboring counties. The state has poor ethics and might be the worst. 

Seven, taxes are insanely high here. Not only does Wisconsin have high property, and income tax, but fees for things like gas tax, registration, miscellaneous fees on utilities, starting and maintaining a business, etc.  I've also witnessed them attempt double and triple dipping on things, that should be covered in taxes like emergency services, or showing up at scene of an accident.  Which is insane, considering how high existing taxes are and how many different kinds of taxes. It ain't only rate of taxes, amount, but also duration.  They'll be asking it each year, whereas some states only require registration every so many years.  Lot of gouging in ways rarely mentioned in tabloids, or big name reviews you often see in well known tabloids .  

I've also had issues with residents in a lot of cities letting pets out unattended. You purchase a nice property. Come to appreciate beauty outdoors and nature doing its thing. Then some asshole moves in with an indoor/outdoor cat they don't take care of. Janesville is notorious for this and its police do nothing.  These pets screw up people's yards, chase away rabbits and other animals homeowners enjoy, spread problems and sometimes send wrong signals to leaders.  What the hell is point to ordinance when leaders don't enforce?  Oh, but they're right there willing to collect when tax check is due, or to spend more on garbage. It's also animal cruelty, because a feral cat knows to climb a tree if a predator is pursuing. Domesticated cats, that also spend time outdoor don't understand this, and get eaten alive.  Problem is especially bad when they attempt to flee and encounter a property with dead ends. I'm talking someone who installed yards with wooden fence, that have no way for them to pass, if danger.  Which Janesville has plenty of. Rock County leaders are sick and a part of the problem.   

You see so many online defending area. They speak of its beauty, things to do, and many advantages. I disagree and see it as bad for your health.  I especially think this is true for people with natural depression, or situations dragging them further down.  People in this situation, living in a state like Wisconsin can be a cruel death sentence.  There are groups in area, which pride themselves on hurting others. And they're meticulous about it with inside people to protect. Yes, it's just like grade school. Only worse. Suppose you purchase a property to move a little ways away from them.  I've seen some follow and deploy ideas to intentionally screw up whatever happiness target attempts for themselves. Many leaders are their friends. Same for enforcement and lawmakers. Rules are not equally enforced for all.  You got preferential treatment in places where it matters most. 

Eight, cost of realty and rent is too high.  Particularly when you bench against circles, climate, activities, surroundings, health, cliques, and safety. I see rent prices in cities like Milwaukee, and Madison, similarly priced with like communities of warmer climate elsewhere. Not only nicer, but better employment, more to do, no state tax, better relationships and ethical public. I can't emphasis ethics point enough, because they're bad in Wisconsin. Their home prices are absurd in cities like Madison and Waukesha. Janesville is catching up, won't stop spending, and has high utilities. Not only that, Janesville city council is notorious for wasteful and bias spending.  For years they have thrown all kinds of coin at their downtown, while ignoring needed elsewhere.  State does nothing. In fact, they help the problem. This city also unfairly pours all kinds of greenbacks at activities specifically tailored to own children interests, while ignoring needed elsewhere hurting tourism.

Nine, people drive me up the wall. All they do is obsess sports, drinking, and family. They're also largest fakes, liars, and incredulous opportunists you'll ever know. Huge problems with backstabbing, stereotyping, and gang stalking. And it's near impossible to make friends, because existing circles are tightly closed, and extremely overanalytical. Even if you're lucky and they accept you. I guarantee you'll hate it and be miserable. Because they're nothing but opportunists. When chips are down and you need em for emotional support. They're no where to be found, but when they need something. You're suppose to drop what you're doing. They only use you, or lead you on in case something better comes along. And when it does, you won't hear from them. You have to constantly watch possessions and spouse. Minute you turn your back they're right there messing with it. If you defend yourself and speak up, they'll flip it on you and gaslight. Make you out to be toxic one, because you stood up for yourself and principles.

Something else, is if you move on from them and don't speak again. They'll stalk, harass endlessly and spread all kinds of rumors. Anyone normal would move, because it's obviously odd. Watch what they do.  You'll get groups gang stalking, notes appearing in systems not true about you, unfair treatment by public services connected to them, etc. I had an accident and of officers and department connected was exhibiting all kinds of trails to past circles. On social media, you could see recent public correspondence and past toxic circles liking their activity. More or less implying recent collaboration, or affiliation. When you see such a thing after suspicious behavior by a reporting party no way will you not suspect. Especially when an attorney, independent from it all, also criticizes. 

This place sucks and when clocks roll back Daylight saving time in November, it's like a light switch from bad to horrendous.  Pandemic hitting in 2020 only made worse and much has closed down.  Add insult to injury, a lot of Wisconsin residents have been absolutely terrible respecting surroundings and not masking up.  They've also been traveling a lot, and getting together like as though nothing is wrong.  They say numbers are low, but I wouldn't be surprised if manipulated, inaccurately impacted by science like workforce and other.  A lot of people at key areas are all friends across board, which affects same numbers. 

When Facebook first began, I was searching profiles and examining information provided. You'd be surprised at amount of conflict.  Some positions are held immorally and potentially illegal. I remember reading about stories investigated and tried in south for similar setups.  Again, you never hear about it happening up here.  Judge in Rittenhouse trial, nailed it when subject came up about gun he had for age and crossing border way he did.  Way state law is written has many holes and makes you wonder if intentionally done that way. Basically so circles can benefit.